Extraction is not the only option in the presence of abscess in the tooth roots. Canal treatment is done first. If it is not sufficient, there is a chance of resection.

Apical resection is the treatment of persistent root abscesses by direct intervention to the root of the tooth.

A small window is opened over the jawbone in the area where the root of the tooth and abscess is, and the abscess is cleaned. The tooth is left to heal.

Apical resection may be decided in cases where root canal treatment is insufficient, in cases where canal treatment cannot be performed in traditional methods or for biopsy purposes.

Apical resection has some conditions for resection. For example: If the inflammation in the root of the tooth is caused by a root fracture, resection will not help. If the root of the tooth is close to anatomical formations, apical resection will be troublesome.

Situations Requiring Apical Resection:
* Conditions where root canal treatment cannot be achieved; Obstructed canal, persistent infection, teeth that do not heal despite renewal of canal treatment, presence of extra canals that cannot be reached in root canals, teeth that cannot be treated with normal means, etc.

* Situations where the patient cannot comply with root canal therapy sessions for various reasons.

* Cases where the broken part can be removed and the tooth can be saved in fractures occurring in the last trio of the tooth root as a result of trauma.

* Conditions that require biopsy from the tooth root lesion

* In deciduous teeth that do not have permanent teeth but have lesions at the root

Conditions where Apical Resection is not possible:
* Root canal treatment failures whose cause is not understood = & gt; In this case, it is possible that apical resection will fail. First of all, the cause of the failure should be determined. anatomical differences, stubborn bacteria etc., it is necessary to approach whatever the cause is.

* If traditional root canal treatment can be applied, the priority is root canal treatment.

Combining root canal treatment and apical resection In a root canal treatment performed for the first time, only root canal treatment or canal treatment with resection, apical resection is not superior to only root canal treatment.

* Locations of anatomical formations

* If the root of the tooth is short, especially if the teeth are already swinging, it will be a problem.

* Systemic diseases

How is Apical Resection Performed?
It is beneficial for the patient who will undergo apical resection to rinse his mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash before the operation. It will be beneficial for the patient to start using a chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash 1 day before to accelerate wound healing.

Using painkillers before the operation ensures less post-operative pain.

The tooth to be resected apical is numbed with local anesthesia. The tooth will be anesthetized in the same way as a conventional dental filling and tooth extraction.

Depending on the size of the lesion in the root and the degree of damage to the root of the tooth, the bone surface is opened only from the root tip area or from the border where the tooth and gum begin, and the inflammatory tissue at the root tip is cleaned. Here, an incision will be made in a part of the root of the tooth in order to completely destroy the bacteria.

In cases where neighboring teeth are affected due to the lesion at the root tip, these teeth should also be rooted and apical resection should be performed in the area covering the neighboring teeth.

After the infected area is completely cleaned and the root tip is filled, the removed gum is stitched into place. If the stitches are made with non-resorbable threads, they will be removed after 7 days.

It is normal to experience pain, swelling and bruising after the operation.